Thorne, Crowle and Goole Moors Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) is the largest terrestrial SSSI in England. Much of the moors are curently in unfavourable condition due to the moors having been actively cut for peat up until a decade ago. This has left a legacy of lowered water levels and a destroyed mire surface which Natural England have been helping to restore.

Doncaster East Internal Drainage Board (IDB) is leading a consortium of drainage boards in the implementation of a new Water Level Management Plan for Thorne, Crowle and Goole Moors in partnership with Natural England, Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust and other landowners in and around the moors.

The IDB consortium is made of six drainage boards, these are:

The aim of the project is to bring the site into favourable condition by controlling the water levels across the site at an suitable depth to facilitate the growth of peat-forming vegetation, such as cotton grasses and Sphagnum mosses. In order to achieve this aim by 2016, the project has been given a grant of £2.9m by the Environment Agency.

The project aims to achieve the optimum water levels across the site through a combination of:

  • Drain blocking
  • Peat re-profiling
  • Scrub clearance
  • Lagg fen creation
  • Engineering (pumping, weirs, piling
  • Micro-bunding

The project is overseen by a Steering Group, the membership of which is made up of the six IDBs, the Local PLanning Authorities, Statutory Authorities, landowners and interested parties. The Steering Group meets twice yearly.

You can walk all day and meet no-one but Mother Nature



    Minutes 02 May 2017
    02 May 2017

    Agenda 02 May 2017
    13 April 2017


    BES Sphagnum Workshop
    20 October 2014

    Humberhead Peatlands LIFE+ Bid
    17 October 2014
    All photographs © Kieran Sheehan