NIA Bid Successful

NIA Bid Successful

The Nature Improvement Areas (NIAs) Programme with funding of £7.5 million has been established, as announced by Defra in the Natural Environment White Paper (2011).

NIAs are large, discrete areas that will deliver a step change in nature conservation, where a local partnership has a shared vision for their natural environment.

With the support of Natural England, Environment Agency and the Forestry Commission, the partnership will plan and deliver significant improvements for wildlife and people through the sustainable use of natural resources, restoring and creating wildlife habitats, connecting local sites and joining up local action.

The Thorne Moors Water Level Management Plan is a key component of the Humberhead Levels NIA, which will allow additonal conservation work, in support of the WLMP, to take place in and around the moors.



    Minutes 02 May 2017
    02 May 2017

    Agenda 02 May 2017
    13 April 2017


    BES Sphagnum Workshop
    20 October 2014

    Humberhead Peatlands LIFE+ Bid
    17 October 2014
    All photographs © Kieran Sheehan